Poem: What Have We Done? - World Environment Day

What Have We Done?

The one who loves us like a mother

Who is one-of-a-kind and like no other

Giving shelter now and forever

Our first home is our mother earth

Why are we welcoming her with dirt?


For she doesn’t deserve the hatred

In the form of negligence and our selfish acts

From oil spills

To pervasive smoke from mills

From greenhouse gas emissions

To detrimental chemicals


Ice caps melting are her tears

The smoke and forest fires is her rage

To the acid rain demonstrating her downcast in the cage

How can we be so thankless?


It’s time that we change

Save every water drop

And not cut every crop

To start another factory flop

Skyrocketing destruction to the top

What have we done to our sweet home?

Come on let’s bring our actions to a STOP !!

-Kavya Mehta


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