The True Privilege is...

The True Privilege is...

"Leaving your ego and greed, helping someone joyfully indeed is a really very good deed." 

Kavya Mehta

Is there something that you would love to do something for free? Would you get the joy, privilege and satisfaction of helping someone and making them content or would you regret of doing it for free? 

It isn’t about making more money or having a nicer house. It's about making others joyful and ourselves satisfied. The true privilege in life is giving yourself away. It is much better to give than to get. It is a simple law but it gives us a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. 

If you think that there is no one kind and helpful in this modern world, then you are wrong. Of course there are, but maybe in minority. And when you be kind, giving and helpful towards others, people get inspired from you and try to do the same good deeds. When you help someone, they feel great and help you in need too. But that doesn't mean that you help someone only if you get something in return. If you help, succour with a heart of gold without expecting anything in return. 

There are infinite ways of helping people. From donating items and money for education to poor people for fulfilling their daily needs to assisting anyone out like helping people cross the road, carrying their bags if they find it too heavy or helping someone for something they cannot do/find it difficult to do. Also, try to help feed someone when they do not have food to eat.

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." -Mother Teressa. 

You can also open an organisation for succouring or helping people or help someone through an organisation. There are numerous ways to help but these are some of them which you can do. 

If we keep on helping, giving and assisting people, everyone will be more untroubled and delighted, following which our world-full of people will turn out to have a heart of gold. 

So, Let's make a start by helping at least some people a day and also telling them to help others! I pledge the same too. In this way, we all will be privileged, satisfied and make others feel good too. 

Starting our journey from increasing kindness and helping others from minority to majority! 

“Do something for those who have need of a man’s help – Something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.”

Albert Schweitzer

-Kavya Mehta


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