Spot the Fake: Your Guide to Real News

Spot the Fake: Your Guide to Real News “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” This quote by Mark Twain has proved to be truer than ever before. In today's digital world, false information spreads rapidly, causing real-world harm. From misleading headlines to outright deception, fake news poses a significant challenge. The consequences can be severe, including eroding trust and dividing communities. A study at MIT reveals that fake news spreads more faster, deeper and broadly than the truth. The truth rarely spreads beyond a 1000 people whereas the most contentious fake news in their sample regularly spread between 1000 and a 100 thousand people. Another revelation was that humans were more likely to spread fake news than the truth compared to bots. For instance, misinformation about COVID-19 caused serious harm. Over 6,000 people were hospitalized and at least 800 died in the first three months of 2020 alone due to false informa...